Vinod Khosla Book Recommendations (All-Time)

Book 1 - The Future of Capitalism by Paul Collier

Vinod Khosla: “Outlines ethical ways of healing the deep new rifts that are tearing apart the fabric of the United States and other Western societies."

Book 2 - 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari

Vinod Khosla: “An important examination into today’s most pressing political, technological, social, and existential issues as we move into the unchartered territory of the future."

Book 3 - Lying by Sam Harris

Vinod Khosla: “One of my favorite one hour reads about intellectual honesty. I wish more people were this honest!"

Book 4 - Winners Take All by Anand Giridharadas

Vinod Khosla: “While today’s rich and powerful are fighting for equality and justice, [this book] argues that it is being done in a way that will preserve their position at the top of society."

Book 5 - What You Do Is Who You Are by Ben Horowitz

Vinod Khosla: “Shows the value of having principles an organization and its leaders believe in and can stick with when it gets hard to do so and real tradeoffs are involved."

Book 6 - The Last Days of Night by Graham Moore

Vinod Khosla: “I don’t read fiction, but this almost historical fiction is fun especially for Silicon Valley types."


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