Ben Francis Book Recommendations (All-Time)

Book 1 - Twelve Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson

Ben Francis: “Hands down favourite, follow the rules and it will change your life“

Book 2 - Poor Charlie's Almanack by Peter D. Kaufman

Ben Francis: “Absolutely incredible all about long-term investing.”

Book 3 - Benjamin Franklin's Book of Virtues by Benjamin Franklin

Ben Francis: “All about incremental improvement every day.”

Book 4 - Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink

Ben Francis: “everything. you do in life you need to take ownership this explains why.”

Book 5 - Dieter Rams: As Little Design as Possible by Jony Ive, Klaus Kemp, and Sophie Lovell

Ben Francis: “Taught me about design, a must-have.”


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