Eric Weinstein Book Recommendations (All-Time)

Book 1 - All the Trouble in the World by P. J. O'Rourke

Eric Weinstein: “Politics aside, I envy more of his sentences than of anyone else writing today."

Book 2 - Prison Diary by Jayaprakash Narayan

Eric Weinstein: “I suggest this book for this moment in our democracy."

Book 3 - Zero to One by Peter Thiel

Eric Weinstein: “If you really understand something that the rest of the world is confused about, and it’s an important truth, [this book] says here are all the ways you might want to make that work."

Book 4 - Heraclitean Fire by Erwin Chargaff

Eric Weinstein: “When I heard that there was somebody who bet against Watson and Crick, I thought, 'well, this is just gonna be the laugh of the century.' But it turned out, just to short those guys required another genius."

Book 5 - The Emperor of Scent by Chandler Burr

Eric Weinstein: “A wonderful introduction to how the dissident voice is marginalized."

Book 6 - Eat the Rich by by P. J. O'Rourke

Eric Weinstein: ‘Suggested this book on Twitter.”

Book 7 - The True Believer by Eric Hoffer

Eric Weinstein: ‘Suggested this book on Twitter.”

Book 8 - The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

Eric Weinstein: ‘Suggested this book on Twitter.”

Book 9 - The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker

Eric Weinstein: ‘Suggested this book on Twitter.”

Book 10 - Father to Son by Harry H. Harrison Jr.

Eric Weinstein: ‘Suggested this book on Twitter.”

Book 11 - Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder

Eric Weinstein: ‘Suggested this book on Twitter.”

Book 12 - A Literary Companion to Science by Walter Gratzer

Eric Weinstein: ‘Suggested this book on Twitter.”


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