Graham Stephan Book Recommendations (All-Time)

Book 1 - Your money or your life by Vicki Robin

Graham Stephan: "This one really puts your time into perspective with regard to how much something costs you, compared with how much time you spend making money.”

Book 2 - Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Graham Stephan: "This is a classic that I’ve read MULTIPLE times.”

Book 3 - The Millionaire Next Door by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley.

Graham Stephan: "Not all millionaires live flashy lives or come from family money - in fact, the vast majority of millionaires are first generation wealthy. Most of them live very modestly, most of them are business owners, and most of them live under the radar. This book is great to put this in perspective and surveys actual millionaires and how they created their wealth.”

Book 4 - The 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss

Graham Stephan: "This was one of the books that inspired me to begin creating passive income.”

Book 5 - Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

Graham Stephan: "This is one of my favorite self-help books.”


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