Iman Gadzhi Book Recommendations (All-Time)

Book 1 - Atomic Habits by James Clear

Iman Gadzhi: “I’ve read 15- 20 habit books, out of the books about habits this is the most punchy, its not about who thinks of concept first its about who can explain the best.”

Book 2 - The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

Iman Gadzhi: “Don’t let the title off put you, I’ve given this book away probably 25 times, if you want to understand me and the way an entrepreneur thinks, this book is amazing.”

Book 3 - Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Iman Gadzhi: “I’ve had the same copy since 2015, this always stays by my bedside, I just read it again and again and again, for me Marcus Aurelius is one of the greatest minds in history, and to have a glimpse into his mind. this is not a book but notes to himself.


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