Jason Calacanis Book Recommendations (All-Time)

Book 1 - The Fish That Ate the Whale by Rich Cohen

Jason Calacanis: “About Sam Zemurray, who was the banana king."

Book 2 - On Writing by Stephen King

Jason Calacanis: “Got me jazzed up about writing and reading more."

Book 3 - The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger

Jason Calacanis: “We recently read [this book] in the 'This Week in Startups' book club."

Book 4 - Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull

Jason Calacanis: “Pixar has made some of the greatest stories of our time, but [the author]’s personal story, is perhaps the greatest story that has come out of Pixar."

Book 5 - Good to Great by Jim Collins

Jason Calacanis: “The great management book."

Book 6 - Something Like An Autobiography by Akira Kurosawa

Jason Calacanis: “Top three director for me."

Book 7 - The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

Jason Calacanis: “You need to read [this book]."


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