Luke Belmar Book Recommendations (All-Time)

Book 1 - The Changing World Order by Ray Dalio

Luke Belmar: “Changed my life and I hope that you dedicate the necessary time to invest in the wisdom they carry so that they may also change yours.”

Book 2 - High Output Management by Andrew S. Grove

Luke Belmar: “If you want to become a more successful entrepreneur, increase your networth, understand how the global markets work.”

Book 3 - The 5 Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell

Luke Belmar: “Differentiate the 1% from the rest.”

Book 4 - The Lords of Easy Money by Cristopher Leonard

Luke Belmar: “Changed my life and I hope that you dedicate the necessary time to invest in the wisdom they carry so that they may also change yours.”

Book 5 - Bitcoin: A Peer to Peer Electronic Cash System by Satoshi Nakamoto

Luke Belmar: “Differentiate the 1% from the rest.”

Book 6 - Time is Money by Aiden Nolan

Luke Belmar: “Luke Belmar: “If you want to become a more successful entrepreneur, increase your networth, understand how the global markets work.”


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