Michael Seibel Book Recommendations (All-Time)

Book 1 - Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston

Michael Seibel: “Everyone asks me which startup books to read.”

Book 2 - Boyd by Robert Coram

Michael Seibel: “Read this book about John Boyd and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in military strategy or the military-industrial complex in America from the 60s - 90s.”

Book 3 - Factfulness by Hans Rosling

Michael Seibel: “If you want to learn about some positive progress in the world check out this book - I bet it will surprise you. Especially if you are an avid news reader”

Book 4 - Black Founders at Work by Dela Wilson

Michael Seibel: “Was so happy to participate. I hope this book can be helpful to aspiring founders.


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