Patrick O'Shaughnessy Book Recommendations (All-Time)
Book 1 - Successful Investing Is a Process by Jacques Lussier
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: “Definitely not for the faint of heart, but for professionals and committed individual investors, there is a lot of useful information."
Book 2 - Quality Investing by Torkell T. Eide
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: “There isn’t anything revolutionary in here, but for fundamental stock analysts out there, this book offers a lot to chew on."
Book 3 - Streaming, Sharing, Stealing by Michael D. Smith
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: “If you are a 'content creator' or creative type, understanding the dynamics in these industries is key."
Book 4 - The Professor in the Cage by Jonathan Gottschall
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: “This story of an English professor fighting in mixed martial arts fights is a fun combination of history, psychology, and memoir."
Book 5 - Creativity by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: “Studies creative people and creates a common framework for creativity based on their lives and insights."
Book 6 - Gratitude by Oliver Sacks
Patrick O'Shaughnessy: “This is a 30-minute read. A collection of wonderful short essays from one of the greatest humans ever."